Casual Man Hair Style Tips


Casual Man Hair Style Tips

A casual man hair style is easy to maintain and can make you look good at any occasion whether it’s a work or school related occasion, a date with the girl of your dreams or just hanging out with your friends. There is nothing more annoying than spending hours in front of your mirror only to come up with un-coordinated hair that turns people away. If this happens to you often then maybe it’s time to invest in a simple hair style guide that will teach you how to get yourself on the road to looking your best and impress those around you. This article will show you how to achieve a casual man hair style that suits your face shape and what styling products to use.

The first thing that you need to do before you start searching for that perfect hairstyle is to find a picture of a hairstyle that you like, preferably one that is in a good enough format for you to edit it and put it onto your own head. There are plenty of free images on the internet and all you need to do is take one of these and simply edit it to fit your face and body type. You should also pay attention to the background of the picture, many pictures with poor quality or low resolution tend to look bad and so it’s a good idea to invest in a good digital camera to take photos of yourself at various angles. Once you have your desired hairstyle in mind it’s time to take some styling products to help straighten it out and seal in some of its features such as highlighting and curls.

The most popular haircut options for men are variations on the crew cut and spiked hair cuts. These looks are easy to achieve using quality products in your hair care kit, however they require a lot more time and effort to maintain than their less elaborate counterparts. A crew cut is best suited for individuals who are average in length and have relatively straight hair, with peaks not more than an inch from the scalp. A spiked hair cut is suitable for individuals who have hair that is curly or wavy and whose layers are either tight or loose.
